Church at home is a strong New Testament mindset about how the church should really look and function in a community.

Micro churches spread throughout a city or region fulfilling the great commission to make disciples. This is church at home. This is how it was done in the beginning of the church age, and how it will be done at the end.

Church at the Armory is meant to equip the church to be the church out in its community. The marketplace, the workplace and most importantly in your neighborhood, in your home.

The Gospel.

Preach, teach, and disciple according to a Christ centered, Christ focused, Gospel.

Our Values


Spiritual family is not only our God given privilege, but our responsibility. To be the family of God is a Biblical mandate.


Maranatha is a cry of the heart for those who are in love with His appearing. Not escapism, but burning desire to see Him and His kingdom come in its fullness.

The Spirit.

Living life in the fullness of the Spirit is the inheritance of the saint. God is to be demonstrated by the power of His Spirit.

The Mission.

We desire to do the will of God by participating in the Great Commission. In our neighborhood, and throughout the earth. Where His mission takes us we will go.