Bind and Loose
This message visits Jesus’ teachings on the keys of the kingdom, specifically binding and loosing. This function of the Church is important to understand and exercise as we seek to co-labor with Christ in the building of His Church.
Testimonies and The Leper
In this service at Church at the Armory, the Holy Spirit led several members to testify and encourage the body. It was a beautiful service that was very uplifting and the testimonies fit perfectly with the sermon presented about Jesus healing the leper. Listen to these stories and be encouraged!
Joy in Chaos
Revisiting Isaiah’s prophecy found in chapter 24, we discover the key characteristic of that remnant church in the midst of a chaotic world, that characteristic is joy. This message tackles three points of joy we must actively seek to embody. If your world is in chaos, listen to this message and pursue joy.
Unbended Knee
This Graduation Sunday message speaks to the generation that has not bent their knees nor mouths kissed the “ring” of the entities that would seek to destroy the “way of God” from our society. This message encourages us to see this generation as future hope rather than a destructive force.
This message focuses on the teaching from Deuteronomy that The LORD is our God, and He is God ALONE. That He wants all our hearts, souls and strength for all of our days. This is important for us to understand, but it’s also what we are directed to teach to our children and grandchildren.
Beginning a Conversation about Chaos
Chaos is the opposite of order. This message is about the absence of that order in our world, the chaos that has ensued, and our responsibility to be used of God to bring about His order into this world of chaos.
The person who approaches God and others with humility will experience grace, justice and exultation in a way only God can give. The way of humility is not the suggestion of heaven, but rather “what the Lord requires of you”. Listen to the message and embrace humility!
Reaffirm The Call
After the Resurrection, Jesus set out to reaffirm the call on Peter’s life. This message is for all of us who have gone back to fishing for fish, when we were called to fish for men.
Easter ‘23 Remembering The Day that Changed Everything
In this Easter message we pull back and take a big picture look at the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, and how it changed forever the timeline of humanity that was descending into death.
Psalm 22
Psalm 22 is a prophetic Psalm of David describing the Cross of Christ. In this message we go verse by verse through Psalm 22 to see the miracle of the scripture and its prophetic accuracy concerning the crucifixion.