Kingdom Ethics: Persecution Pt. 3
Jesus experienced persecution from outside forces, such as the Roman government, but He also faced persecution from inside sources, including His own countrymen, followers, and even His friends. This message is about dealing with persecution that does not come from external entities like communist governments or religious extremism, but rather from those close to us—friends, co-workers, family members, and, most of all, fellow believers. This is what Jesus experienced, and it’s something we will face at some point as well.
Kingdom Ethics: Persecution Pt. 2
2 Timothy 3:12 says, “Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” This verse simply lays out the reality of those who follow Christ as disciples. It was true for the Apostle Paul, it is true for us, and even religious freedoms, as great as they are, are not powerful enough to keep us from persecution. This message seeks to adjust our expectations to understand that persecution is a certain part of the believers life.
Kingdom Ethics: Persecution Pt. 1
The final Beatitude instructs us on the topic of persecution. Before we talk about persecution we must settle our hearts on eternity! Paul conveys a message that present time sufferings are not worthy to be compared to future glory at the revealing of Jesus Christ! This message is about that future hope and glory. Unfortunately, we had a technical difficulty and the last few minutes of the message were not recorded.
Radical Love Requires Radical Obedience.
One of our very own, Haley Runnels, delivers this powerful message about obeying the Word of God and the teachings of Christ in a radical way. Taking us through the Scripture she shows us the consequences of disobedience, and the honor of obeying. Full of the Word and powerful testimony, this is a must listen for every believer.
Kingdom Ethics: Peace Maker Pt. 3
Jesus said, “Peace I leave you, Peace I give you”. He indeed left us peace for ourselves, He gave it to us, Yet, he also left us peace. That was His message, His government, His ministry if you will. We as sons and daughters of God who are peacemakers, have the responsibility to steward well the peace He left us as a ministry unto the world. Making peace between man and God, man and man, and man’s divided heart. This message is about that.
Kingdom Ethics: Peace Maker Pt. 2
Peace must be pursued. Keeping peace is passive, making peace is active. We must engage in the peace process. This message calls the beatitude people into action…making peace.
Kingdom Ethics: Peace Maker Pt. 1
This is the first message on the Beatitude about the “Sons of God” who make peace. The Peacemakers. The first step in making peace, is desiring peace. You can’t produce something in your life you don’t want. Chaos and outrage have become an addiction to the world, and unfortunately many in the church. May we be able to say again as the Psalmist said in Psalm 120, “I am for peace”.
A Redemption Story
One of our Overseers shares his story of redemption and how the gospel of Jesus Christ works. If you are in need of mercy from God this is for you. If you know someone that is running from God, this story will build your faith.
Kingdom Ethics: Pure in Heart Pt. 2
Combining two sermons into one, this message explores two ideas about the beatitude of pure hearts. One, hearts see. There is a consistent theme throughout scripture that hearts see. We must not see with our physical eyes, we must see with pure hearts. Two, hearts must not be divided. Pure, or singular, hearts are what see God. A divided heart is unstable. Stability comes when we our singular of heart.
Kingdom Ethics: Pure in Heart Pt. 1
This message starts off the Beatitude: Pure in Heart. The pure in heart see God. This beatitude seems to echo the question from Psalm 24, “Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart…” Jesus identifies the ones who see God on His holy hill…the ones with pure hearts.