Church at the Armory Church at the Armory


This is one of my life messages. This sermon illustrates the point that you can be close in proximity to Jesus, but still have doubt, fear and lack of the deepest understanding of who He really is. That we would fulfill verse 40 from this story, “Did I not tell you that if you would believe, you would see the glory of God.”

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Church at the Armory Church at the Armory

Why Baptism?

We often understand the benefits and symbolism of getting water baptized, but why do we get baptized? Using the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch we answer the question of why.

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Church at the Armory Church at the Armory

10 Spies

The story of Moses sending out the 10 Spies and commanding them to “show yourselves courageous” and “get some of the fruit” is a word we all need to hear as we seek to lay hold of the promise in a strange land. May Joshua and Caleb’s courage encourage us.

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Church at the Armory Church at the Armory

Arrows pt. 2

In this second message using the analogy of an Arrow, I talk about arrows as children per Psalm 127. I strongly urge every parent of children that still live at home to listen to this message. “Like arrows in the hands of a skilled warrior are children born in ones youth.”

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Church at the Armory Church at the Armory

Arrows pt. 1

This message uses the example of how an arrow flies true to illustrate to us the importance of proper doctrine. We tend to fixate on one aspect of a particular doctrine, for example love or righteousness, and end up flying poorly and unable to hit the mark because we are not balanced in that doctrine.

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Church at the Armory Church at the Armory

7 Words of Praise

Yadah, Halal, Shabach, Zamar, Todah, Barak, and Tehillah are all words translated in our English Bible from the Hebrew words into: “Praise”. This message describes the specific way each of those words was used in the scripture to “praise God”.

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Church at the Armory Church at the Armory

The Law…Yes Please!

This message describes what Jesus actually did with the Law. We tend to think of the Law as bad, when we should delight in it. (Ps. 1) Jesus’ teachings on the Law are life, and are so foundational that the wise man builds his house on them.

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Church at the Armory Church at the Armory

Jude’s Imperatives

This is a very practical sermon focused on seven imperatives found in the book of Jude that instruct us on how to live in the midst of an end time environment. If you are wondering on how to respond to the crazy world around you, listen to this message.

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Church at the Armory Church at the Armory

Cultivate The Garden

This message is specifically for our church, and the idea that as we are starting fresh, that we must do the work of “cultivating the garden” just like Adam and Eve were placed by God to cultivate the garden in Eden. Cultivation is work, but it’s fruitful work.

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Church at the Armory Church at the Armory


One of our own, Talon VanDyck, delivered this powerful word on the need for, and benefits of, Endurance in our walk with God. He breaks down the scripture, and gleans from his own personal testimony to communicate the message. If you, or someone you know, is going through a difficult situation we strongly encourage you to listen and share this message.

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