Church at the Armory Church at the Armory

RELAUNCH: Sat. Night Ramona Hill

This message is part of our relaunch and 100 year anniversary services on December 2nd and 3rd of 2023. This sermon is by Ramona Hill and challenges the church to believe for the impossible in the future and don’t settle for normal Christianity.

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Church at the Armory Church at the Armory

Is It I?

The disciples, soon to be Apostles, all answered Jesus with a simple, but profound, question when Jesus revealed that one of them would betray Him. “Is it I?” This question should be the fist question when confronted with a situation. What is the status of my own heart. The searching of ones own heart first is one of the marks of the true followers of Christ. It is the way of humility.

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Church at the Armory Church at the Armory

Lies and The Mind

This may be a message that needs to be preached and heard once a month considering the spiritual climate we live in. The ability to discern lies and discipline the mind to think what the Spirit thinks is an ever present ongoing struggle. This message reminds us to be diligent in the fight against the lies and to control our thoughts.

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Church at the Armory Church at the Armory

Burden Sharing

Galatians 6:2

Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.

‌Galatians 6:5

For each one will bear his own load.

This message balances these two verses and the church’s call to burden sharing within the Body. If you are carrying a burden, or are helping someone else, listen to this message.

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Church at the Armory Church at the Armory


This message is about scars. Thomas’ story about touching Jesus’ scars ties the concept of scars to faith. This message seeks to rekindle faith again to believe that God has hope, joy and life for you and your future. The scars we are talking about are mainly the scars of the soulish realm, your mind, will and emotions. Jesus wants to touch those scared places of your life. If you or someone you know has gone through real trauma such as a divorce, death of a family member including suicide, tragedy, or abuse, please share this message with them.

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Church at the Armory Church at the Armory

Peter’s Call to Prepare

In this verse by verse teaching through several verses out of 1 Peter 1, Peter instructs the persecuted New Testament church to “prepare their minds for action”. As our world becomes increasingly hostile are we prepared to stay active for the gospel and be found faithful when He returns?

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Church at the Armory Church at the Armory

Basic Functions Check

Here at the Armory, from time to time, we need to do a Basic Functions Check. An inventory of the fundamentals of the life of the Believer is a good thing to reexamine every so often. This message covers the FIVE basic functions of the Believer.

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Church at the Armory Church at the Armory

Heaven, Hell and a Fish

This sermon illustrates how we have become indifferent to the lost, and the fact that they will spend eternity separated from God in a place that was never prepared for them….Hell. I strongly encourage all believers to listen to this message.

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Church at the Armory Church at the Armory

Teddy Bear

What if God is like a grizzly bear and we have turned Him into a teddy bear? Have we tamed God in order to make Him approachable on our own terms? This message is about recapturing the fierce, wild, and powerful aspect of God.

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Church at the Armory Church at the Armory

Face Like Flint

Are you stubborn? Hard headed? Are your children? This message from Missy Passmore is about God using that to do powerful things. “For the Lord GOD will help Me; Therefore I will not be disgraced; Therefore I have set My face like a flint, And I know that I will not be ashamed.” Isa. 50:7

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