The Pathway to Hope Pt. 3
Hope. The tribulations, perseverance, and proving grounds have brought us to a place of hope—both an eternal hope and a hope available for the here and now. Romans 8 paints a beautiful picture of this hope, showing us why we can be fully convinced and confident in it. This message also includes words of encouragement from one of our intercessors. As we move forward, we do so on a pathway of hope!
The Pathway to Hope Pt. 2
In this message, we focus on perseverance and the development of proven character, which results from the tribulations and trials discussed in the previous sermon. This is the pathway to a hope that does not disappoint, as described by the Apostle Paul at the beginning of Romans 5. Paul, James, and Peter, three prominent voices of the early church, all emphasize the necessity for believers to persevere and have their faith proven. This message explores their teachings on the subject.
The Pathway to Hope Pt. 1
This short mini-series, based on Romans 5:1-5, outlines the pathway to a “hope” that does not disappoint. In this first message, we explore tribulations, trials, and temptations as essential parts of the process that leads us to that great hope. Scripture instructs us to exult in these tribulations, yet we often bemoan trials because we don’t fully understand what they produce in us. This message helps us view these challenges through the lens of scripture, offering a deeper understanding of their purpose and value.
Thanksgiving 2024
This Thanksgiving message challenges us to see our circumstances and families as God sees them. More specifically, it asks that God grant us His grace and reveal a picture of what He sees with His spiritual eyes, so that we may navigate our physical lives according to that spiritual vision. This is the essence of hope. May your Thanksgiving be filled with a hope that does not disappoint.
Dr. Gladstone: Church at Home
This is the second message by Dr. Gladstone, delivered on November 17, 2024, at the Church at the Armory. In this message, we explore the concept of the “Church at Home” as a spiritual warfare agency that is developed, equipped, and employed through the attributes described in Paul’s teaching on the armor of God in his letter to the Ephesians. Establishing the Church in your home, neighborhood, workplace, or any realm of influence is how we “stand” our ground in His armor.
Dr. Gladstone: Church at the Armory
This message from Dr. Gladstone, a trusted and frequent guest, is part one of a two-part series from Sunday, Novemeber 17, 2024. In this message, he challenges the Church at the Armory to embody the gospel in our city. Drawing from the story of Jesus crossing a stormy sea and setting a demoniac free, he illustrates how Christ in the flesh demonstrates the gospel in a way that is redemptive, missional, and engages in spiritual warfare—all at once.
Terry Mouser “Ramblings”
One of our Overseers, Terry Mouser, shares reflections from his prayer and devotion time, which he has titled “Ramblings.” These insights offer practical guidance for believers, touching on simple yet profound topics related to discipleship and understanding our unique roles within the Body of Christ.
Kingdom Ethics: Woes
This message explores the contrast between the "Blessings" in the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 and the "Woes" pronounced against the Pharisees in Matthew 23. While these passages may seem different, they are deeply connected, and we will examine those connections here.
Kingdom Ethics: Persecution Pt. 4
In this final message on persecution, we examine what experts in the field have observed about the persecuted church worldwide. We’ll explore the kind of Christians that persecution has shaped and the traits that have emerged in those who have endured it.
Tough Times Won’t Last
This message from Andrew encourages us to stay faithful, with hearts that rejoice in the Lord. It reminds us that the joy of the Lord is our strength, and we can trust that God's word never fails. It's far better to stand firm on His promises than to fall into despair.